Labour law and social insurances
Our lawyers advise companies and individuals in all areas of individual and collective labour law. We assist companies in overcoming structural challenges and help present accurate, tailored and proven solutions to recurring issues and structural challenges.
Due to our often long-standing relationships with our clients, we are able to grasp the specifics of each situation and develop practical solutions that are individually tailored to our clients' needs. We are happy to support our clients at any stage of an employment relationship, from the drafting of individual employment contracts to termination agreements. We are also delighted to assist in the drafting of personnel regulations, commission and working time regulations.
Based on the high degree of specialisation of our lawyers, we also advise our clients on complex labour law issues, where preliminary questions of international private law need to be clarified and which have a nexus to tax or social security law, especially as our experts also have many years of experience in these specialist areas.
Conflict management is an important focus of our labour law practice. Our lawyers have the necessary forensic expertise and practical experience to protect the interests of our domestic and foreign clients even in complex labour law proceedings, be it the enforcement of non-competition clauses or claims that may arise as a result of a dismissal. Even in cases with transnational implications, our experts manage to find adequate solutions.
Wir beraten unsere Klienten bei den mannigfaltigen Fragestellungen, die sich im Familienrecht stellen. Unter Umständen ist es bereits bei Beginn einer Ehe sinnvoll, von einem Anwalt begleitet zu werden, insbesondere wenn die Klienten die ehevertragliche Regelung der Verhältnisse wünschen. Bei einer Scheidung stellen sich diverse Fragekomplexe (Unterhalt, Sorgerecht, Vorsorgeausgleich, güterrechtliche Auseinandersetzung), bei denen es höchst ratsam ist, anwaltliche Hilfe in Anspruch zu nehmen.
Scheidung – Ihr kompetenter Partner im Scheidungsrecht
Eine Scheidung stellt oft eine tiefgreifende Veränderung dar, die viele Aspekte des täglichen Lebens beeinflusst. Wir verstehen, dass eine Scheidung eine der herausforderndsten Lebensphasen sein kann. Unsere Rechtsanwälte stehen Ihnen zur Seite und bieten Ihnen umfassende rechtliche Beratung und Unterstützung. Wir sind darauf spezialisiert, Ihnen bei der Bewältigung aller rechtlichen Aspekte Ihrer Scheidung zu helfen, damit Sie sich auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren können: Ihren Neuanfang. Mit unserer langjährigen Erfahrung und unserem tiefen Verständnis für die Herausforderungen einer Scheidung sind wir bestens vorbereitet, um Ihnen maßgeschneiderte Lösungen und eine vertrauensvolle Begleitung anzubieten.
Bis es zu einer Trennung kommt, sind meistens unüberbrückbare Differenzen vorausgegangen. Die Entscheidung, eine Beziehung zu beenden, ist mit Emotionen und Unsicherheiten verbunden und erfordert viel Kraft. Für manchen Menschen mag die Trennung eine grosse Erleichterung sein, während sie bei anderen viel Schmerz verursacht. Nebst dem Wechselbad von Gefühlen, sind beide Parteien gefordert, sich mit juristischen und finanziellen Fragen auseinanderzusetzen.
Ein Ehevertrag wird häufig als unromantisch empfunden, da er rechtliche und finanzielle Aspekte in eine Beziehung einbringt, die eigentlich auf Liebe und Vertrauen basieren sollte. Jedoch kann diese Sichtweise dazu führen, dass die tatsächlichen Vorteile eines Ehevertrages übersehen werden.
Der Ehevertrag kann helfen, den anderen Ehegatten besserzustellen, indem ihm im Todesfall die gesamte Errungenschaft zugewendet wird. Das grösste Vermögen der Ehegatten liegt oft in der Errungenschaft, also dem, was sie während der Ehe gemeinsam gespart und gekauft haben – zum Beispiel eine Liegenschaft. Insbesondere auch Ehegatten mit gemeinsamen minderjährigen Kindern können ein Interesse daran haben, dass die gesamte Errungenschaft dem anderen Ehegatten zugewiesen wird, damit der hinterbliebene Ehegatte nicht in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten gerät, weil er seine erbberechtigten (allenfalls minderjährigen) Kinder auszahlen muss.
Wenn ein Ehegatte ein eigenes Unternehmen hat, ist ein Ehevertrag ebenfalls sehr empfehlenswert. Im Falle einer Scheidung kann es nämlich vorkommen, dass ein erfolgreiches KMU verkauft, liquidiert oder Anteile am Unternehmen dem anderen Ehegatten übertragen werden müssen, weil dem unternehmenseigenen Ehegatten die notwendige Liquidität fehlt, um den anderen auszuzahlen. Mit einem Ehevertrag können Unternehmensanteile als Eigengut festgelegt werden und die aus diesen Anteilen erzielten Gewinne von der Errungenschaft ausgeschlossen werden.
Nebst einem Ehevertrag ist es ratsam, sich auch mit erbrechtlichen Bestimmungen zu befassen, um den Nachlass im Todesfall nach den individuellen Wünschen und Bedürfnissen zu gestalten. Mit einem Testament oder einem Erbvertrag können die Ehegatten solche Regelungen festlegen. Beispielsweise kann der andere Ehegatte erbrechtlich maximal begünstigt werden, indem er als Universalerbe eingesetzt und die Kinder auf den Pflichtteil gesetzt werden.
Für weitere Informationen
Family Law, Law of succession, Property Law
We advise our clients on the manifold questions that arise in family law. Under certain circumstances, it makes sense to be assisted by a lawyer right from the beginning of a marriage, especially if the client wishes to have the circumstances regulated by a marriage contract. In the case of divorce, various issues arise (maintenance, custody, equalisation of pension rights, property law disputes) for which it is highly advisable to seek legal assistance.
Accurate estate planning requires that the advisor involved meticulously ascertains the client's economic and personal circumstances and objectives. In the field of law of succession, our lawyers have many years of experience in advising private individuals and family businesses. We take due account of the complex issues that also arise in the area of intersection with international tax and pension law. As executors of wills, our lawyers strive to ensure that clients' wishes are complied with. If necessary, our lawyers will also represent you forensically, for example in inheritance law actions in connection with violated compulsory portions, invalid testamentary dispositions or in inheritance division actions.
We also assist our clients in matters of property law: be it in the drafting of real estate purchase agreements, the clarification of complex issues in connection with limited rights in rem and when the protection of your property is of primary importance.
Contract Law
Our lawyers are intensively involved in drafting contracts from all areas of the Code of Obligations. We support our clients in drafting contracts in the areas of tenancy law, sales law, contract law, but also contracts for work and services and innominate contracts (in particular leasing, factoring, franchising). We mainly advise small and medium-sized enterprises, but also larger service companies and financial institutions.
We are delighted to support our clients in contract negotiations. We have practical experience and a high degree of specialisation, which enables us to meet the high demands of our clients in Switzerland and abroad. In addition, our notaries act in a stylistically confident manner in order to be able to handle those legal transactions that require public notarisation in order to be valid.
The intensive activity in contract law allows our lawyers to act confidently even in complex situations, including matters that have an intensive foreign connection and therefore require international private law qualification and setting of the course.
Corporate Law
An important focus of our work is providing professional advice to companies, entrepreneurs and individuals in the area of corporate law. Our aim is to advise companies, company owners and corporate bodies in a practical, comprehensive and targeted manner.
We will be pleased to assist you in all matters relating to the formation, transformation or structuring of a company, be it the relocation of its registered office or the planning and practical implementation of mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs, management buyouts (MBO) and similar processes. Furthermore, we support you in designing tailor-made organisational forms.
This work also includes the drafting of organisational regulations that take into account the needs of our clients. We are also happy to advise our clients on the drafting and structuring of tailor-made shareholders' agreements and help with their concrete enforcement. The majority of our lawyers act as corporate bodies (boards of directors, foundation boards, etc.) and thus put their practical experience at the service of our clients.
We also support our clients in the procedural enforcement of corporate law claims, for example in the protection of shareholders' rights as well as in the defence against liability claims.
Criminal Law
In no other area of law are the power relationships so unequally distributed as in the field of criminal law. To counteract this fact, we advise and assist our clients in criminal investigations and defend them before the criminal courts of all instances. We represent victims and assist private plaintiffs in asserting their claims in criminal proceedings.
In the area of road traffic law, we defend you in the related criminal proceedings and represent you in administrative proceedings before the administrative and judicial authorities concerning the impending withdrawal of your driving licence.
In addition to individual defence, we also provide preventive advice to companies and take care of them during ongoing investigations and criminal proceedings - whether against the company itself or against individual employees. We also offer our clients discreet support in internal company investigations.
Tax Law
The continuous change and - despite international coordination efforts - constantly growing complexity of tax systems increases the importance and value of competent advice in tax matters. Almost every entrepreneurial and commercial decision has an impact on the tax burden. For this reason, preliminary tax issues form an essential aspect of the advice provided to natural persons and legal entities.
Our specialists support our clients in all matters relating to tax law. In particular, we help our clients with questions relating to taxes on profits, withholding taxes, value added taxes, income taxes and property gains taxes. This also applies to matters with cross-border implications. We also support our clients in any negotiations with the tax authorities by obtaining binding preliminary rulings and represent our clients in connection with tax law proceedings (objections, appeals and complaints). We are happy to assist both companies and private individuals with tax optimisation.
Our specialists have many years of experience in the execution of mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs, management buyouts and similar transactions. Sound preliminary clarifications (within the framework of a so-called due diligence review) are just as indispensable here as the tailor-made structuring of such transactions.
Our lawyers (Werner Räber, Sandra Kammerbauer, Joël Brochon and Alessandro Gerlach) are notary publics in the cantons of Schwyz (W. Räber) and Zug (S. Kammerbauer, J. Brochon and A. Gerlach). We advise our clients in a stylistically confident manner, help to shape corporate law processes and bring them to a conclusion efficiently. In addition, our notary publics also advise you with regard to contracts under matrimonial and inheritance law that need to be drafted.
Civil proceedings
In addition to our advisory work, we also represent our clients before the civil and administrative courts.
Our litigation practice covers all areas of commercial and corporate law and related fields of law. This includes, in particular, labour law, tenancy law, contract law, inheritance law and all bankruptcy proceedings. In addition to conducting ordinary civil proceedings, all enforcement and measure proceedings (attachment proceedings and other precautionary measures), international legal assistance and the recognition and enforcement of foreign decisions are part of our forensic activities.
Debt collection and insolvency
In the field of foreclosure law, we ensure that our clients can protect their rights quickly and successfully.
Our lawyers have many years of experience in the field of debt enforcement and bankruptcy law and private international law. We help our clients to secure and enforce their claims, be it in the case of an attachment order or in the context of bankruptcy proceedings.
Of particular importance are attachment proceedings, and of particular complexity are debt enforcement proceedings for the enforcement of pledges and bills of exchange with foreign implications. If the prerequisites are met, our lawyers assist our clients in enforcing paulian rescission actions and accompany them in probate proceedings.
We advise and represent our clients in arbitration and related enforcement proceedings. Our lawyers are active in both so-called ad hoc and institutional arbitration proceedings conducted before recognised national or international arbitral institutions (International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) or the Swiss Chambers of Commerce). Our lawyers are also available for appointment to arbitration tribunals. Our expertise enables our lawyers to handle more complex cases. Our lawyers are also called upon in arbitration proceedings that have their origins in complex international transactions.